Welcome to Twin Ports Dollar Saver. Connect with local businesses and Save!

Save Money on Dental in the Twin Ports

Now you can get a very (very, very) affordable Dental Program for you and your family.

Do you have a Dental Program from your workplace? Do you not have Dental from any source because it's too expensive? If you don't have a Dental program for any reason, you can now!  
Visit our site and apply online or request information and someone can visit you.
Only $14.95/month for individual or $19.95/month for household.

Visit: www.nolimithc.com (Other benefit programs available too).
  • No paperwork, no insurance companies to deal with.
  • Toll-free number to locate independent and chain-participating network providers.
  • No waiting period before you can use the Program.
  • No limits to the number of visits.

Save Money on Healthcare with Ameriplan

Terry Scott (SUPERIOR, WI)  

...invites you to take care of yourself and your family with AmeriPlan®. Your life is full of precious things; the people you love, the home you live in, products you need to keep the things you value most in life secure. A good place to start is right here AmeriPlan®. 

Is the high cost of quality supplemental health care getting you down? Are you one of 7 out of 10 Americans with no Dental saving program? Look no further... it is now possible to access affordable dental, vision, prescription and chiropractic programs for your entire household. Programs that range from $14.95 per month to $150.00 per month. Select the one that is right for your family.

Since 1992, AmeriPlan® members have saved hundreds of millions of dollars receiving discounted health care services using the AmeriPlan® provider network. Our network has tens of thousands of health care professionals across the country. Check out their site: http://www.nolimithc.com/


FREE MEMBERSHIP: Learn about great deals in the Twin Ports via email

Here are a few blogs worth noting. You can get great deals at two Twin Ports area blogs; one for the general public and one if you have a business.

TWIN PORTS DOLLAR SAVER at: http://duluthmnlife.blogspot.com/

TWIN PORTS BUSINESS TO BUSINESS ADVERTISER at: http://twinportsbizbuzz.blogspot.com/.

Here’s how it works. When people sign on as a “follower by email” at either or both blogs, every time a post is added, they will get a notification via email. Both blogs offer this and anyone can sign on at either, but the Dollar Saver offers deals of general interest and the Business to Business offers ads of interest to businesses.

FREE MEMBERSHIP: Be notified when great things (and offers) are happening in the Twin Ports Area with the TWIN PORTS DOLLAR SAVER.

If you want to know about deals offered by local businesses and organizations in the Twin Ports area go to: http://duluthmnlife.blogspot.com/ and sign by entering your email in the DEALS BY EMAIL box. Remember that your email is safe and we respect and comply with email laws. There is no cost to learn about these discounts by area businesses. We promise that we won’t clog your email with worthless information. All advertisers agree to offer a minimum of 25% savings and more in genuine savings. If you would like to advertise your business here, please visit the blog, sign on as a “follower” and then visit: www.terscott.com/contact and request detailed instructions.

Get great deals for your business from other local businesses with the TWIN PORTS BUSINESS TO BUSINESS ADVERTISER.

If you own a business and would like to advertise something of interest to other businesses, go to http://twinportsbizbuzz.blogspot.com/ and sign on by entering your email in the “Join to Get These Specials in Your Email Box” box. You’ll get an email every time we post something. It’s that simple. Now if you’d like to have your ad presented, please go to www.terscott.com/contact and request details by completing the information form. You may become a follower of the Business to Business Advertiser and choose not to advertise and just be aware of the offers by other businesses.

PS. Here is a partner blog to the website www.twinportslife.com. The website is “Everything Twin Ports Since 2006” and we could use some volunteer writers! Here’s the blog address: http://twinportslife.blogspot.com/.

 PSS. If you live and create things around Lake Superior you may qualify for a free mention at this blog: http://madebythelake.blogspot.com/. Go there for details.   

Do a FREE Money "Check-Up" Online

FREEBIE TIP to our readers!

We're not highlighting an advertiser this time, but because we know that our readers genuinely are interested in saving money on deals, we thought you might like this. Here is a link to a site where you can do a "money check up". How is your money doing? Actually, how are you doing with your money? Take a few minutes and plug in some details and this site spits back to you a financial picture of your situation. We did it and it's really neat. Try it:


Bentleyville to Profit from Holiday Card Sales

Save Money on Personalized Greeting Cards and a Donation will be Made for you by MyImprintRepDOTcom! It's easy. Just go online to: www.holidaycardwebsite.com/terscott
and when placing your order just mention that you want 25% of the base price of your order to go to Bentleyville in Duluth Minnesota and it will be done!


Read more detail about this by clicking here

Order Your Personalized Greeting Cards Here.

Save 50% on Guitar Buying Service

Don’t Buy the Wrong Guitar 50% OFF GUITAR BUYING Consulting Service!
Hello. I’m been playing guitar since I was 15 and have taught lessons since I was 17. That’s been some time ago. I now work for a retail place and sell guitars when I’m not out playing at some coffee shop or doing my Johnny Cash tribute: http://jcashlives.blogspot.com/. I’ve played in bands and have done some recording and back up studio work.
But I would not have been able to accomplish so much musically if I had started with a “bad” instrument. Don’t make this mistake! Buy a guitar that is suitable for you and will help you and not hinder you in becoming a good player.
Print this ad and save; pay only $25! 
Call 888-241-4031 and leave a message and advertiser will call you to set a time to meet.
Take me shopping with you and I will help you find the guitar of your dreams. If you live within 50 miles of Duluth Minnesota , I will go “shopping” with you and my fee is only $50 or 10% of the cost of the instrument; which ever is higher. Don’t be discouraged and quit playing because you think it’s “you” when it is the guitar that is hurting your growth. I’ve assisted beginners to advanced players, young (and parents for their children) and older people in making the right choice of an instrument.
PS. This service includes all fretted instruments such as guitars, bass guitars, banjos, etc.
PSS. If $50 seems like a lot for this service; maybe it is. But when you think of it, maybe it isn't! Guitar lessons are about $25 each these days (from a competent and reliable instructor) so this is the price of only two lessons. Imagine how much better these lessons would be with the right guitar. And remember, I not only help you get the right guitar for your needs, but I also help you get the guitar at the right price!

Save on Internet Shopping, and Book J Cash Lives

Scottshopping offers great comparison pricing on Back to School items. Check them out at:

Book the Man in Black to be at your holiday events. Choose from different customized programs at prices that are very reasonable.

Want to know about these deals by way of email? Register at the right of this page: "Deal by Email".

Advertise here, in the Twin Ports Dollar Saver and your ad will be seen in the email boxes by those who have requested these deals. Find out how by asking us at www.twinportslife.com/contactus.

Get Your Business Online...FREE!

Twin Ports Life February 2013

Hello all, and Happy February!

This month is full of birthday celebrations that include some famous people like our USA presidents and others. This month happens to be a favorite of mine because today, being the first, my youngest granddaughter celebrates her first year in this world! Later this month, her Grandpa “T” celebrates his … well, we won’t go there. We’ll just say that I’m not as old as George Washington or Abraham Lincoln! Dictionary.com defines “famous” as having a widespread reputation, usually of a favorable nature; renowned; and celebrated.

This month Twin Ports Life will make you and your Business More Famous…

We’re all famous to some degree my plan here at Twin Ports Life is to help make you and your business even more famous with a free 3 –month display ad; so you’ll get that “widespread reputation and it will be of a favorable nature, renowned, and celebrated. Why? Because your business advertising is on our Twin Ports Life webpages! Don’t forget that for a minimal fee you can have your ad linked to your website which improves your sites ranking in the search engines.

This offer is only available to those who contact us before February 20th (my birthdate) so do so now at our webpage. If you have questions include them in your comments. Sorry, no phone calls please; only communicate via the email form provided.

Make it a great day; and a great month!

Terrific. Energizing. Results!

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